Specialized Consulting Services
in business and intellectual property matters
Accounting & Finance
We offer strategically focused accounting & finance services that are designed with a practical approach in mind – provide the highest quality service and consistently deliver added value to our clients. Our strategically focused approach has the goal of improving overall confidence and cost-effectiveness. We design a fully-customized financial service package for each client based upon the client’s specific financial needs. Our expertise goes far beyond traditional accounting and reporting services. Our expertise can help clients manage the financial aspects of their business from inception to exit.
The firm offers expertise in the following areas:
- Acquisition due diligence
- Budgeting, forecasts and projections
- Business plans
- Business valuation
- Cash flow management
- CFO outsourcing
- Cloud Consulting & Accounting Services
- Construction services
- Cost control
- Financial statements
- Financial reorganization
- Profit enhancement
- Royalty management
- Taxation